Tuesday, November 30, 2010

phil&teds Twin Stroller - CLOSEOUT

phil&teds E3 Buggy Twin Stroller - (Discontinued / Closeout)
With a profile narrow enough for standard doors (hurrah!) and roomy seats, the twin buggy from phil&teds glides through the urban jungle.
Benefits for You: The phil&teds twin stroller features everything parents and children need for smooth rides: two front wheels that lock in place for better control, adjustable handles, and air filled tires with deep treads for traction. The multi-position handle adapts to any pusher.

The phil&teds twin is narrow enough to negotiate most doorways. Couple that with full maneuverability and an easy folding mechanism, and you've got a double stroller that will get you and two kids where you want to go without much hassle at all. And put everything you need in the roomy under-seat basket.

Benefits for Baby: The phil&teds twin is one of the roomiest double strollers on the market, able to accommodate children as tall as 45" - or even taller if you remove the sun canopy.

The two seats have individual sun canopies and each have their own recline settings, so infants can sleep while your toddler sits upright, or vice versa. The twin buggy is, of course, ideal for twins!
Why are some twin buggies on sale?

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